
World of Warcraft’s Senior Game Producer Talks about PvP in Mists of Pandaria

We have know that there is the new dungeon challenge model in the new expansion. Here we will have look at the PvP. It seems that Blizzard is trying to get the gank back. We had a chance to make an interview with World of Warcraft’s Senior Game Producer, John Lagrave, to talk about how Blizzard bring back the old-school PvP in Mists of Pandaria. Read the following carefully, you will find what you want to know. Of course, if you want to get more wow gold, you'd better come to our site to learn skills.

PCG: owning even a semi-neutral race is for the most part a large deal for world of Warcraft. Does that show any alter of direction for PvP while in the game?

John Lagrave: We experienced meetings prior toward start of Cataclysm, speaking about what we preferred to complete with the next expansion. We began kicking close to some great deal of ideas… inside of a good deal of those meetings, [we asked ourselves,] “What’s interesting concerning the panda? What do we desire to try and do with that?” The idea of owning a neutral race has been floated close to [the development team] for quite awhile. We believed concerning the idea for several expansions. We talked about, “Well do we desire to add a neutral race? Do we ever want you to choose [a side]? Do we desire to leave the race neutral forever? What does it signify to leave them neutral?”

We went back again from owning Pandaren characters stay neutral. Let’s go back again to that notion of faction warfare. We do a good deal of the “evil, great big nasty villain” thing, but Mists of Pandaren really returns back again to what traditional world of Warcraft was. It was all about “You’re alliance or you’re Horde and I can’t stand you, I desire to kill you.” There was all the raiding and stuff to complete in there as well, but PvP and world PvP was awesome. You experienced been in Hillsbrad and suddenly the whole location lit up. You experienced been like, “It’s on. Its all on.” everyone is calling everyone in; people are flying in. It was great fun.

PCG: all through his demonstration at BlizzCon, Chris Metzen said that in Mists of Pandaria, “The enemy is war itself.” That appears to show that the expansion will be about more calm or peaceful activities.
JL: It is really about Horde vs. Alliance. I think the calm before the storm is that you begin away going through the starting location and then Pandaria itself. You’re going to kill things and discover concerning the rest of the world and discover how it works. I think that’s the calm: the leveling experience and the combat you’re going to complete before you get toward challenges of the rest of the game. Pandaria is quite tranquil and peaceful. The vibe is quite cool in that respect. Then once you are done with that leveling experience, it becomes all about that ganking.

PCG: So is there going to be a push for more of that world PvP?

JL: Well, yeah. We’re pulling apart from what we’ve done while in the past two expansions with zone PvP like with Wintergrasp and Tol Barad. We’re really going to focus just a little more on what we think is awesome, which is spontaneous world PvP. It really is fun. We desire to obtain players engaged and really outside urban centers themselves and accomplishing more things while in the world itself. That includes world PvP.

Here is the part of the interview content, if you want to know more, then visit our site tomorrow. Tomorrow's article will be even more wonderful!

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