
World of Warcraft - The Warlock Class

The term warlock might only be familiar to those who are fans of World of Warcraft game. The warlock is the games version of demons who has nothing http://www.flywowgold.com (wow gold) else to do but steal souls and life of the warriors and also has the ability to summon his army. The warlock has the ability to kill multiple characters with only one shot and mind you the targeted characters suffer from a slow, painful, inevitable death.

When it comes to surviving the warlock is side-by-side http://www.wow-gold-team.com (wow gold) with the Mage and the Priest. In addition to that the warlock has very high levels of health and can inflict so much damage. This combination of abilities will make you less likely become the target of other players.

The great thing about warlocks is that when it changes its talent specialization you gain a different kind of game play. This makes the game a lot more interesting and exciting. The warlock can change its talent from demonology, affliction to destruction.

Changing to affliction build makes the game more fun. Wherein http://www.myd3gold.com (buy diablo 3 gold) you are invisible to other players simply because you are hiding behinds a bush or a tree attacking players without knowing who is attacking them. So while you are having fun they are there panicking which is the best way to ruin other players momentum.
One feature that is being rarely used by affliction warlocks is the AoE grinding. This is because it needs a lot of preparation and practice and to add to that it needs a healer for assistance. Though, this is still an effective strategy to level up.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1351144

